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Paladin guildskills

by Drahkuna

You open a personal journal entitled, "Paladin guildskills" to the bookmark, on page 1, and begin reading.
Chivalry Skillset:
Falconry Use the basic skills to interact with your falcon.
Weathering Immunity to normal weather.
Seek Order your bird to seek out a player.
Glance Look through the eyes of your bird.
CrossSlash An accurate attack of moderate power.
Raze Attack the defences that would keep your weapons out.
Block Obstructing departure with your body.
Fitness Controlling your breathing.
Follow Order your falcon to aerially follow someone.
Gripping Grip your wielded items in a deathlock.
Duality The ability to wield and use two weapons simultaneously.
Barge Barging your opponents.
Lunge A deep, piercing blow from an adjacent location.
Impale Sink your blade into an opponent.
Battlecry Stun a target with the power of your voice.
Bowmanship Use of the valued projectile weapon.
Wind Further increase your accuracy through wind compensation.
Aiming Increase your accuracy in shooting.
Sturdiness Standing firm against attempts to move you.
RazeSlash First penetrate his defences, then give him the sharp end.
Deliver Order your falcon to deliver an object to someone.
Resistance Reduce the damage taken from magical attacks.
Crossbows A powerful projectile weapon.
Clotting Reduce the level of your bleeding.
Rage Throw off pacifying afflictions.
Doubleparry Parry with both weapons.
Retrieve Command your falcon to fetch an object for you.
Startle Order your bird to harrass an opponent's steed.
Defend Attempt to protect someone else with swordwork.
Track Order your falcon to follow and track someone.
Cleaving Rend your opponent's body in two.
Doubletarget Attack two body parts at a time.
Observe Your falcon can now report on the state of individuals.
Arc Swing your blade in a controlled arc.
Darkbows Using the infamous darkbows of Hashan.
Warhawk Equip your hawk with talons of steel.
Engage Damage a cowardly opponent.
Disembowel Tear the entrails from a target.
You open a personal journal entitled, "Paladin guildskills" to the bookmark, on page 2, and begin reading.

Devotion Skillset:
Enlightenment Look into the soul of someone.
Hands Lay hands on a person to heal him.
Parting Water will pull apart to make way for your blessed self.
Preaching Show a player the beauty of belief.
Truth Dispel illusions with the power of your devotion.
Rites List what rites are active.
Sustenance The Gods will provide for you.
Inspiration Gain an infusion of divinely-inspired strength.
Bliss Give a player a glimpse of paradise.
Pilgrimage Travel to a someone in a Rite of Pilgrimage
Purity Damage the Unholy.
Chaoscalm Attack the chaotic nature of a chaos entity, pacifying it.
Peace Give peace of soul to someone.
Warding Drive your enemies off with overwhelming fear.
Force Make a player follow your wish.
Hellsight Give a player a glimpse of Hell.
Dazzle Confuse and dazzle an opponent.
Demons Summon demons to torment the unrighteous.
Severance Sever the holy energies of your rites.
Allsight Gain insight into all movement into and out of holy areas.
Healing A powerful healing ability.
Well-being A rite to keep those nearby fed and rested.
Convocation Call to you someone in a Rite of Convocation.
Revitalization A rite to heal health and mana.
Deliverance Deliver a target unto you.
Prayer Pray for the salvation of your congregation.
Banishment Send the unholy Chaos entities back to their hell.
Resurrection Grant life anew to a slain believer.
Absolution Grant absolution to an afflicted victim.
Damnation Curse the eternal soul of your victim.
Piety Bind those around you with the force of ultimate piety.

You open a personal journal entitled, "Paladin guildskills" to the bookmark, on page 3, and begin reading.

Forging Skillset:
Club A crude bludgeoning weapon.
Buckler The smallest shield.
Breadpan A useful cooking utensil.
Dirk A weapon made for stabbing.
Spear The standard weapon of the footman.
Pieplate A plate for baking pie.
Leatherarmour A suit of leather armour.
Cookiesheet A steel sheet for baking cookies.
Halberd The simplest of the polearms.
Cavalry A small shield, but more effective than the buckler.
Pot A cast-iron cooking pot.
Shortsword A smaller version of the longsword.
Mace The Basilican maces.
Ringmail Armour composed of overlapping rings of metal.
Pastrypan A pan for making fine pastries.
Axe The handaxe; made for throwing.
Bardiche Another polearm. More complicated than the halberd.
Dagger Obsidian throwing daggers.
Banded A shield of reasonable effectiveness.
Kettle A heavy kettle with a lid.
Whip The feared weapon of those who practice serpentry.
Talons Steel talons to equip falcons with.
Morningstar An iron ball connected to a handle by a chain.
Scalemail Armour made of overlapping scales of metal and leather.
Warhammer A large bludgeoning weapon.
Rapier The weapon of the cultured urbanite.
Javelin Nothing hurts quite as much as being hit by a javelin.
Kite A large, protective shield.
Flail A wicked-looking variation on a morningstar.
Chainmail Armour made of interlocking rings of metal.
Trident Oftentimes the favourite weapon of gladiators.
Battleaxe Favoured weapon of the mountain dwarves.
Tower The largest and most cumbersome shield.
Splintmail Good armour made of strips of metal and leather.
Bastard The famous Delosian bastard swords.
Scimitar A very effective curved sword favoured in the south.
Fieldplate The most common, but still very good, form of platemail.
Broadsword A popular variation on the longsword.
Longsword The standard against which all is based.
Fullplate The most magnificent armour. See AB FORGING FULLPLATE.


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