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The Art of Chivalry

by Seraphim Osifer Ryokus, of the Ivory Flames

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Ios 6th, 101 MA:
- Table of Contents -
Chapter 1 - Table of Contents
Chapter 2 - What is this book about?
Chapter 3 - What is chivalry?
Chapter 4 - Honour
Chapter 5 - Valiance
Chapter 6 - Respect
Chapter 7 - Manners
Chapter 8 - Chivalrous War
Chapter 9 - Special Mentions
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Ios 6th, 101 MA:
On your travels over Sapience, coming across other Aetolians like and unlike yourself is practically unavoidable. These Aetolians undeniably have different attitudes, personalities, and codes to live by, if any at all. However, you may sometimes also come across Aetolians who wouldn't pay you the slightest bit of respect even if you saved their lives.
There are Aetolians who would flee in the middle of a great battle, while their comrades need them dearly. To add on this, there are also Aetolians who lack courtesy, honour, and gallantry and this book has been written to teach its readers how to be respected within the Aetolian community. How to act... with chivalry's good grace, shall we say?
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Ios 6th, 101 MA:
Chivalry is for Aetolians of any race, alignment, or gender, even though a part of it is commonly perceived as good natured-ness and a natural respect for women of all races. It is a combination of four different things; honour, valiance, respect, and manners. A chivalrous Aetolian would do well to possess all four and make them quite noticeable.
Including these in your normal, everyday behaviour can earn you great respect amongst your peers and superiors. The next four chapters will explain the words for you.
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Ios 6th, 101 MA:
Honour can be related somewhat to respect, for honour is, somewhat, high respect for others. Honour can earn you a good name and much glory, however that is not what you strive for when you are acting in honour.
Honour is used to show your loyalty and respect for another being which, in turn, can earn you honour as well. A chivalrous Aetolian will always hold honour at a high respect in combat.
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Ios 6th, 101 MA:
Valiance, or courage, is the act of bravery in the face of danger or anything else which requires it. It is highly respected and, often, the more valiant a being is, the more honour they earn from others. Do not let valiance be confused with foolhardiness; often, discretion is the better part of valor. If you are facing an opponent who is more than thrice your strength and trained very well at the art of combat, proper judgment must be used in order to save your own life or, if you are travelling with others, the life of your comrades as well. In turn, this can make an Aetolian valiant in the eyes of others.
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Ios 6th, 101 MA:
Respect, a key point to being a chivalrous Aetolian, and the center of chivalry itself. Like honour, it is used to show your loyalty and respect for another being, but respect can be a casual thing as well.
The simple act of calling your superiors sir, Lady Whoever, or milady(also m'lady and my lady) at the start or end of a sentence shows great respect. Acknowledging one's needs and taking in their suggestions may show mild respect as well. Another part of respect is gallantry.
Gallantry can be many things, from bravery to the respect of women, something a chivalrous Aetolian must always do, regardless of their actions. It is often referred to as nobility, spirit, and courage, but I think those words explain themselves. Like I said before, gallant beings must always respect a female, no matter what race they are. Many males may not realize that females go through the same things they do, sometimes even more. For that, they deserve a great amount of respect.
Always remember this.
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Ios 6th, 101 MA:
Manners... just saying please and thank you, really. "Please, may I borrow a few sovereigns?" "Thank you for showing me around Shallam." Manners can mean the difference between a request being denied or a good deed being repeated. Would you rather give a few sovereigns to a person who asks the aforementioned question or a person who says, "Give me a few sovereigns."? If you had just shown a person around Shallam at their request and they asked you to do it again a few Aetolian months later, would you rather do this for a person who thanked you or a person who didn't even acknowledge the deed?
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Ios 6th, 101 MA:
The art of chivalry extends even into battle. As mentioned previously, honour is always held at a high priority in battle by chivalrous Aetolians. Unnecessary retreat is something that one should never participate in during combat, especially if one is fighting alongside an ally or allies. This could mean the death of those allies and the loss of any and all respect they, and maybe even your opponent, may have had for you. If you are the leader of your fighting party, as mentioned before, discretion is often the better part of valor. Even if you are not, sometimes you have to take up a position of leadership and intelligence. If your party is completely worn out, retreat is sometimes necessary. Make sure the entire party knows about it so no one is left behind to be finished off by your opponent. Making sure no one is left behind is also a part of honour, showing that you care for each of your comrades individually. Such is the art of chivalrous war.
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Ios 6th, 101 MA:
Here, I shall give the names of some great Aetolians who have helped me compose this scroll, which will hopefully aid you in your walk to become a chivalrous being.
Thalian Flomein
Arachne Corona
Iggy Tsunomari
... and everyone else who gave feedback and such. Thank you!


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