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Sentinels .. and they say they're not quotable

Poted by Indiana on 24 Sep 2005 18:33 - Sentinels .. and they say they're not quotable
(The Bloodrose Family): Hatake says, ""A copy of Pawprints of the Pride Two", Page 12, by Mischievous Vixen, Syliana Thalion, Tempestuous Tide HATAKE Hatake is like a humgii. He has a big mouth and he'll eat anything. He heals really fast and is impossible to kill. He's useful sometimes, but other times just passes gas and stuff. -- Avian."

(The Bloodrose Family): Hatake says, "Still need to kill you for this Avian."

(The Bloodrose Family): Avian says, "Ahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahhahhahah!!!"


(The Bloodrose Family): Sarkis says, "MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!"

(The Bloodrose Family): Avian says, "Omgomgomgomgomg can't breath! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAH!"

(The Bloodrose Family): Hatake says, "Syli equals a giant fluffy bunny rabbit cause she's so bouncey and full of life.. *ponder* Though you're already in the book I think..still. Rabbits are cool. Or you could be a frog... did you know some frogs can eat till their stomachs rip apart? Random, but interesting. --  Amidala."
Poted by Sarkis on 25 Sep 2005 00:11 -
You see, Amidala is like me, in soem ways...bunny comments. Unfortunately, I keep reffering to Syli as Syli the SLug, or Syli the Silly Syli House Cat.
Poted by Jahara on 26 Sep 2005 17:42 -
SHould post a few of the Nighty ones. Those are always good for a giggle.
Poted by Yreogh on 26 Sep 2005 18:09 -
I like to call Syli shiny.  Because it bothers her.
Poted by Avian on 26 Sep 2005 18:24 -
(The Bloodrose Family): Hatake says, ""A copy of Pawprints of the Pride Two", Page 12, by Mischievous Vixen, Syliana Thalion, Tempestuous Tide HATAKE Hatake is like a humgii. He has a big mouth and he'll eat anything. He heals really fast and is impossible to kill. He's useful sometimes, but other times just passes gas and stuff. -- Avian."

Poted by Syliana on 29 Sep 2005 03:08 -
You do realize I see all and know all...don't you?  -peer- At least I'm secure in the knowledge that I am NOT shiny or furry or look vaguely like a house cat irl, so there..hrmph evil Bloodrose
Poted by Sarkis on 29 Sep 2005 03:12 -
Actually, you are possesed of a certain...feline quality. I am fairly certain that if I pet you, and scratched behind your ear, you'd do one of two things...

1. You'd smile contetedly and stretch, then curl up in a ball and fall asleep.


2. You'd scratch my eyes own, eveserate me, and then curl up in a ball and fall asleep.

Either way, you'd be acting like a kitty.
Poted by Syliana on 29 Sep 2005 03:16 -
Actually...I'd claw, eviscerate, THEN stretch, curl up in a ball and fall asleep, but we'll just keep that a secret.
Poted by Sarkis on 29 Sep 2005 03:23 -
Too late, Silly cat. You fail at life, no replay, good game, bye bye. I want to go annoy somoene else, but who?
Poted by Asilient on 29 Sep 2005 04:03 -
Too late, Silly cat. You fail at life, no replay, good game, bye bye. I want to go annoy somoene else, but who?


This is... Ten threads of inanity so far...

I can't take it anymore. -sob-
Poted by Jahara on 29 Sep 2005 04:52 -
Aww..but it's one of the reasons I love him so much! Go Sarkis go!
Poted by Yreogh on 29 Sep 2005 07:05 -
When did we say we're not quotable, by the way?
Poted by Arota on 29 Sep 2005 16:03 -

This is... Ten threads of inanity so far...

I can't take it anymore. -sob-

Awww, and here I was all excited when I got on and saw all the new posts. *pat Asilient* We need to up your tolerance of insanity.  I think it's time to pelt random Bloodlochians with pies...
Poted by Asilient on 29 Sep 2005 16:44 -

This is... Ten threads of inanity so far...

I can't take it anymore. -sob-

Awww, and here I was all excited when I got on and saw all the new posts. *pat Asilient* We need to up your tolerance of insanity.  I think it's time to pelt random Bloodlochians with pies...

I have a fine insanity tolerance... Just not when it comes to reading essentially the same post repeatedly late at night. Heh.

Poted by Yreogh on 29 Sep 2005 19:45 -
Actually, you are possesed of a certain...feline quality. I am fairly certain that if I pet you, and scratched behind your ear, you'd do one of two things...

1. You'd smile contetedly and stretch, then curl up in a ball and fall asleep.


2. You'd scratch my eyes own, eveserate me, and then curl up in a ball and fall asleep.

Either way, you'd be acting like a kitty.

Why would she do any of that?  She'd just summon her army and have us attack you instead.
Poted by Syliana on 29 Sep 2005 21:55 -
Aww, Asi, but we love inanity! Anyways! Yreogh I completely forgot about that!! Sarkis, prepare to do battle with 30-40 cubs and Sentinels all under my command, with a few vamps, Teradrim, Infernals and Paladins mixed in! Onward, my army, attack the Sarkis!
Poted by Jahara on 29 Sep 2005 22:36 -
Aw crud, I gotta attack Sarkis too. Sylicubs Unite!!
Poted by Avian on 30 Sep 2005 03:46 -
*grove annihilate*
Poted by Jahara on 30 Sep 2005 04:05 -
Makes me wonder if Avian were a Sentinel, would he be a Sylicub too? Or no, wait! Maybe Maximas...Colt has a pretty large Army too..hrm...
Poted by Avian on 30 Sep 2005 18:07 -
First of all, I wouldn't join the Sentinels.

They're way too snuggly for me. Besides, I hate the axe/trident/tower juggling. Hella annoying. The axe irks me too, because you'd hafta have a high weaponry and woodlore skill just to use it.

Traps and comms also bug me. The animals are nice.

I'd rather have a grove to go back to and be safe in though.
Poted by Sarkis on 30 Sep 2005 19:55 -
Well, I lose, you know my weakness. Jahara, come to daddy! I need an attackle. *eyeshift*
Poted by Jahara on 01 Oct 2005 06:18 -
Poted by Syliana on 01 Oct 2005 13:08 -
Actually Avian, we're NOT that snuggly, specially not now. The induction of more of the old Sentinels brought a lot of seriousness back to the guild and a few of us grew up.

And you don't need high weaponry and high woodlore to use an axe...I can use one fine and I don't have either one. Heck, I don't even have any lessons in weaponry.

And I have a bigger army than Colt, so there! At present date, my cubs number..about 30 official ones and erm...10-20 unofficial ones
Poted by Sarkis on 01 Oct 2005 14:43 -
Whee! *huggle Jaha*

S'what that about snugglies?

SEntaari are like...closet snugglies.
They keep it all inside, and let it loose on thier family and freinds from time to time. AND...we can be down right goofy. We just are very dignified goofies.


Now..Vampires...vampires are the saddest people in general I know. Mainly because they attract the worse of the uber newb ies, and all thje bloody emo and angst kiddos. Which makes baby buddha cry.
Poted by Jahara on 01 Oct 2005 22:05 -
Poor baby Buddah.

I think I know why the Vampires get all the newbies. When you first get on Aetolia, it's all dark and stuff, I mean "Midnight age" what did you expect? Anywho! I remember a looong time ago I heard Aetolia had vampires, and that's why I came poking around. Thing is, most people come to be a vampire just because, and realize it's a lot different that what they've seen on TV and movies.

....that's my theory anyway. *goes back to half-baking*
Poted by Sarkis on 01 Oct 2005 22:07 -
h-half...baking? What the...?
Poted by Jahara on 01 Oct 2005 22:14 -
Yes, in...ideas. Bah...
Poted by Avian on 02 Oct 2005 02:30 -
Actually Avian, we're NOT that snuggly, specially not now. The induction of more of the old Sentinels brought a lot of seriousness back to the guild and a few of us grew up.

And you don't need high weaponry and high woodlore to use an axe...I can use one fine and I don't have either one. Heck, I don't even have any lessons in weaponry.

And I have a bigger army than Colt, so there! At present date, my cubs number..about 30 official ones and erm...10-20 unofficial ones

Damn, I shoulda beaten your head into obilivion during our spar.

But I remember when we fought, you never hit me with your axe. You missed three times in a row.
Poted by Syliana on 02 Oct 2005 14:08 -
Avian love...last time I sparred you, I didn't HAVE an ax.. I couldn't afford one! Besides, a Sentinel doesn't usually stab people with it, much more fun to throw
Poted by Jahara on 02 Oct 2005 16:16 -
I can't count how many times I was kinapped by Colt for various reasons because of an Axe or he hoisted me. Scared my poor little cubbie heart to no end.
Poted by Sarkis on 02 Oct 2005 17:14 -
I recall this one time I was sittinng on the Rampart with you, Jahara, and COlt came out of nowher,e and dragged you off, then picked me up, saying he was going ot eat me. I just stared at him...
Poted by Jahara on 02 Oct 2005 18:01 -
Colt ALWAYS was dragging me off somewhere when I was a cub. I think he did it just because it scared me.
Poted by Yreogh on 03 Oct 2005 15:29 -
I remember when Colt was but a wee cub.
Poted by Avian on 03 Oct 2005 17:45 -
Avian love...last time I sparred you, I didn't HAVE an ax.. I couldn't afford one! Besides, a Sentinel doesn't usually stab people with it, much more fun to throw

Erm... we've only sparred twice, and I know for sure you had an axe that time.
Poted by Syliana on 04 Oct 2005 00:42 -
Did not. I have proof of the fact that I couldn't afford one at the time..I'd just spent 10k getting someone unenemied and poof, there went my money. Darn cities take advantage of elders needing to do tests -rue-
Poted by Yreogh on 12 Nov 2005 06:33 -
Lioness Melssinia Yraenvan says, "If an albino hedgehog speaks Tsol'aa, but lives in Bloodloch, and is on the Durian council is he allowed to wear boots if and only if he has been wearing socks that are EXACTLY two months old?
Poted by Arynn on 12 Nov 2005 06:50 -
Poted by Sarkis on 12 Nov 2005 13:46 -
Wow! depends on the manfacture of the socks, I'd say.
Poted by Avian on 12 Nov 2005 17:20 -
Kinda sad how one of the strongest fighting classes is also one of the most snuggly.
Poted by Arota on 12 Nov 2005 17:24 -
Keeps them from becoming power-hungry and taking over the world?

Hmmm...the world run by Sentinels...

Scary thought.
Poted by Jahara on 12 Nov 2005 22:44 -
Little do you all know...that is EXACTLY what we want you to think.
Poted by Sarkis on 13 Nov 2005 02:44 -
i woulkdn't mind...well, not much.

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